Sep 19, 2011

Maxwell and Mocha: The First Month

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So, it's been over a month now since I brought little Maxwell the Himalayan home. And this was kinda how it went. Mocha acted like his momma. He gave me all sorts of weird faces when I would take pictures of him. And he slept in the weirdest ways imaginable. Now he's a about 2 pounds of fat and fluff. And I can't wait to see him again over Fall Break!


  1. Anonymous9/19/2011

    wow, they are both amazing! Truly beautiful...and you can see the devotion between them, so awesome :)

  2. It's very strange that they get along so well, considering their age difference. But Mocha took to acting like his mother about a week after we brought him home. Probably because he was only 8 weeks at the time.


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